Saturday, November 24, 2007

Day 16
Justin went off to work again, so I went to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.
Koalas are cool little animals, I got to hold one of them and hand feed a couple kangaroos.
Spent the rest of the day exploring Brisbane, walking around, taking buses, getting lost.
I have a bone to pick. Justin and I got called 'flashpackers' today.
Apparently backpackers are the uber cool budget travellers who hop on trains, eat at soup kitchens and play hackysack.
Flashpackers are spoiled kids who scuba dive, drink and party, stay in hostels and, get this, 'enjoy their time'.
Why the hell would you save enough money to go somewhere, and not leave yourself any funds to do anything?
I didn't come here to see the Great Barrier Reef from the beach, I came here to wrestle sharks and giant turtles 60 feet down.
I would much rather sky dive than do a free walking tour.
Screw those guys.
I bought 'Into the Wild' today and I've read half of it already. Fantastic.

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